The size of the B2 was intimidating, and their mere presence in a Separatist force was enough to frighten civilians into compliance. Our Jedi heroes faced B2s in ground combat, during ship boardings, in the air and even underwater. They made frequent appearances throughout the Star Wars: The Clone Wars TV series in many a battlefield location.

With a blaster mounted in their arm and a reinforced, duranium shell, the B2s could take a hit and deliver a heavy punch.

The B2 super battle droid was designed as an augmentation to the countless B1s scurrying around. Known as B2 super battle droids, these brutes became a mainstay of the war and suddenly the villains had some real (not phantom) menace about them. Lucasfilm must have listened, and worked to address this error in Attack of the Clones with a bigger, better, badder battle droid. Officially dubbed the B1 battle droid, these clankers were a big disappointment. Then we actually saw the movie, and discovered that these droids were stupid, annoying and pretty easy to beat. These droids also had a heavy assault variant, equipped with a arm mounted cannon, known as the B2-HA super battle droid, and a airborne variant, known as the B2-RP Battle Droid.When the first trailers for Phantom Menace appeared in theatres, awed fans saw the legions of battle droids as a cool successor to stormtroopers. Super Battle Droids were equipped with dual wrist blasters, but most only used one in open area combat. The droids were durable, strong and able to outman a clone trooper with little or no fire power, but were still easily destroyed by the strike of a lightsaber. These droids also have deep voices in comparison to their B1 commrades and spoke more rarely. It featured two white photoreceptors on its cranial unit. The droids head was attached to its massive upper body. The Super Battle Droid's arms were strong enough to be able to grasp opponents and throw them aside. It had a large body as well as grey armor plating. This droid was large, hefty and overall com more corpulent than its comrade, the B1 Battle Droid. They were a much stronger and more advanced version of the B1 Battle Droid their armor could withstand direct hits from small caliber weapons. The B2 Super Battle Droid, or Super Battle Droid, was a common infantry unit of the Droid Army.